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Inspiration For Creativity: The CEO's Nugget



All humans are born inventors and Co-creators.

   Man is a spirit being, with a soul living in a body. This understanding is very essential if the fullness of her potentials must be realized. In that, creative forces like waves are inherent in the spirit. Therefore inspiration for creativity can only be achieved by the interaction of the heart, the mind and the human emotion. Consequently every form of creation is first a creation in the Spirit by the process of thought, which combines with imagination to give shape and reality to such thoughts in the supernatural, before its actual physical manifestation for all to see.

    Admittedly, “humans are specially crafted with the potential to alter the sequence of frequencies that create harmony in our cosmic system. More so, by the internal conditioning of the magnetic forces of thoughts”. Therefore all extraordinary works of Invention and Discoveries are products of breakthrough thinking - A path that crosses the physical, to the ambience of the supernatural. 

What Inspires Creativity?

    What triggers creativity differs in individuals, whereas some listen to soul music, others observe nature, and yet some by visiting new cultures and climes. However from my understanding it takes a connectivity that leaves a certain calm that relaxes the mind to move into a higher state of thinking, understanding, and imaging. In this realm, forms are created from one wavelength to the other, with each higher and purer than the former. 

    With sustained in-dwelling, these thoughts are further refined to bring new forms into existence. The scientific path of logical sequence of steps that is taken notwithstanding, the mind naturally observes the processes without stopping to consider its environment. In most cases an identified thought pattern can be triggered and built to completion for hours; before it is considered for writing.

Personal Observation Of How Creativity Is Inspired

     From my understanding there seems to exist an “ocean in situ” where all ideas reside in far outer space; that can be accessed when certain mind conditionings are maintained. Here the soft dividing line that separates interaction between the mind and the spirit disappears; leaving a harmonious string of waves that floats, transmitting needed flow of information from the supernatural. It is a defined pattern that moves from known data or problems to possibilities of thinking which when focused upon by deduction, experimentation, and inference, can lead to invention and furtherance of knowledge. 


Consequently, thoughts come in block form as perceived problems, through observation. And the quest to find solutions that would change human and planetary conditions employ higher level thinking in concerned minds. It is when we dwell on them, write them down, ponder on them, meditate on them, that we at a point receive higher refined messages from the reservoir that is originally in place by the infinite intelligence. In previous learning, we stated that the supernatural reserve where finished ideas reside in outer space as “ocean in situ‟. Here inventions that are yet to be unveiled to human understanding exist in their purest state as solutions to all perceived problems in the universe.

     Be this as it may, to travel from the ordinary to “ocean in situ‟; first the mind identifies a need for scientific invention; or strikes a chord from observing the works of nature, or finding a path to reverse the adverse conditioning that have taken a loved one; here supporting the power of human emotions of “Love, fear, Anger and Joy” in innovation and creativity. Whereas the poets and artists source their inspiration by imagination of nature, in relation to the movement of the human society and try to draw out the ideal from the magnetic confluence of the supernatural reservoir; which is where all inspirations begin. The other components of science, technology and environment dwell on guided and universally accepted principles of science that are well documented; to arrive at her conclusions.


Whatever form it may take; creativity is inspired by the love, anger, fear or joy to move a segment of society, a people or a world from an identified condition for the better, or to protect and even revenge; which marks the dark art in creativity and innovation; a space which is outside the domain of this study. 


       As indicated above, creativity and innovation is born from the direct connection of the human physical senses of sight, smell, hearing and touch, with an intervening human emotion, which triggers a state of mind that explodes a flow of current that triggers millions of thinking patterns that builds up to control the living organism in which it is found at the moment here the human being the creative source. This builds to the point where a single simple thought generates millions of patterns of other similar thoughts, which keep gathering energy and momentum to the point where they explode and escapes the line dividing the mind and the spirit, to where they become one, and pure answers flow boundlessly to the human heart through the creative source who becomes a conduit at the point, and a breathtaking new knowledge, invention, discovery, painting or song is born. 

    In my opinion creativity is born out of love to change the existing condition of living of a people; to protect them from harm, or present an observed condition as an expression or its ideal drawn from the supernatural. 

     It starts with defined clean and honest thinking that are so powerful that as the energies of the mind concentrates on them, they totally eat up weaker thoughts, thus magnetizing similar forces from the universe and producing solutions as ideas, equations, calculations, poetry, art works, designs and the likes. 

      Inspiration therefore acts on triggered impulses of the magnetic forces of thoughts. It engenders doing things in a different way from the way it is done. It is mostly the birthplace of creativity. But in all instances it starts with a thought which gathers energy to form an idea, and ideas when dwelt on over time; follow a process of refinement that directs the interaction of the mind and the supernatural. Thus consistent thought patterns finally taps into the ocean in situ where inspiration for creativity and invention is triggered. 


                                                       By Apollos Ayomobi. (Founder Innovative Thinking Glass -Africa). 


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